Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The "Real Deal"

This week's post is dedicated to a certain someone as today is his special day. He is what I call the "Real Deal" or ("RD") in this world. That is a pretty large title to confer upon an individual. What makes someone the real deal and a truly special person? Perhaps a few of these qualities can demonstrate:

Adventurous-Whether it is backpacking on Vancouver Island or living in Tokyo Japan, the RD is not afraid to wander into unfamiliar territory. From foie gras to afternoon tea, he is open to trying the culinary wonders of the world.

Affirming-An active listener, the RD is supportive of the dreams of the ones he loves. Never patronizing, never negative, he wants to help build dreams and not crush them.

Philanthropic-From supporting an orphanage in Uganda, to local bake sales for co-workers, from donating to victims of hurricanes and earthquakes, to sponsoring a child for WorldVision, the RD has a sense of compassion and that in this life we are all interconnected.

Passionate-Whether it's about the politics of Taiwan affairs or standing up for the average citizen like Nader does, the RD is enthusiastic about making change in this world.

Intelligence-A discourse on theology, civil rights, the state of the economy. The RD has a desire to learn about various perspectives from stem cell research to the selection of wine.

Prioritizes-The RD understands that the most important possessions in life is the possession of relationships.

Motivated-A desire to succeed in the workplace but play well with others, the RD wants to achieve success without throwing anyone under the bus and is above the office water cooler gossip.

Spiritual-With a zenlike approach to life, the RD accepts life for what it is and takes time to witness and enjoy the day's unfolding rather than provide premature judgment.

Filial-The RD places his parents and family in high regard, understanding and acknowledging the sacrifices that were made for him.

Selfless love-Assembling a bed in the middle of the night and driving in crazy Los Angeles traffic, the RD has taken numerous red-eye flights across the country and has been the most selfless in time and energy.

The RD is such a wonderful person for so many of the reasons that I listed above but perhaps what makes him the RD for me is how he makes me feel. To me, he is like the perfect blend of vanilla tea. Sweet, smooth, and calming, and the last thing I would like to be with before the night’s end. Happy Birthday to a special someone, you are truly the real deal.

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